2022 in Review
Can't believe 2022 is going to be over in a bit! This has been a very influential year for me, one where I had a lot of reflections. It's one of those years when a lot of stuff happened.
Tower Bridge photo taken on 30/12/2022:
A few things I've done this year:
- The side hustle Build to Rent started having ad revenue, but it's not going to be the main contributor of income. It does help us towards achieving break even status though.
- I switched jobs from a small friendly and fun environment back to the large corporate world. Though I do miss my friends at the old place, I hope to learn as much as I can in this new environment.
- There were a few personal incidents that, though painful, are necessary for me to learn and grow. Ultimately, you are the stories you leave behind. I hope these experiences will help me write a great story at the end.
- I grew a lot closer to a few new friends, and maintained a good connection with my existing circles. I am always grateful for the people around me. I hope my connections will last for a lifetime.
- I managed to visit my family in June! It has been quite long since I visited Vietnam in the summer (it was so hot!). The next time should probably be in spring or winter.
- I did a lot more writings this year (though still not enough). They are unpublished for now, but I hope they will get to the right audience some time in the future.
- I bought more LEGO (my favourite has to be the Tallneck, which is sitting proudly on my desk) and a new keyboard.
- Bouldering-wise, I did get to V4-V5 ish, but it's not consistent. I aim to continue climbing and improve. Really need to get my strength up.
- I didn't watch too movies or series this year, and due to some personal issues, didn't go to the theatre at all in the later half of the year. Hopefully the theatre vibe will come back to me.
- I Bought an iPad with the Apple pencil. I want to get back to my drawing hobby.
My GitHub contributions this year:
A few things I aim to achieve next year:
- Continue working on Build to Rent as much as possible
- Learn to drive and get a license
- Write a lot more, especially self reflection stuff
- Go to therapy
- Draw! It's about time for me to get back to my drawing hobby. I want to churn out a few fun and cute comics, as well as a good art piece involving cat(s).
- Cook more adventurous stuff, like roasts
- Bouldering: get to V7
- Maintain exercises and running
- Keep making new friends and connections
And here we are, at the end of 2022. I am grateful for the experiences I have been through, the opportunities presented to me, and the people I have met in the past year. I am thankful that I am healthy, have a loving family, and have quite a few good friends who I like to talk to and hang out with, and who I know will support me in times of need.
I hope the stories I write about 2023 will be awesome. Let's do our best in the New Year 🎆!